Happy Bulldog
Happybulldog started painting in Hachinohe,Aomori,where she currently resides.From a young age,she was surrounded by dogs and nature.
She works with acrylic paint to express both the enjoyable energy of nature and the bravery,affection,and loyalty of dogs.
She hopes that people around the world will find some joy in the unique color schemes in her paintings and feel the power of the bright colors.
Oct 2019 : Osaka Gallery×cafeGACA (Solo exhibition ) She held a picture exhibition of HappyBulldog dogs at a gallery in Osaka.Nov 2019 : 14-54 (Solo exhibition ) is an open space shared by Queen & Co,Towada Art Center,and the city of Towada.Happybulldog’s artwork was exhibited there.She had music playing in the background while people enjoyed HappyBulldog’s paintings.
Dec 2019 : Hachinohe Saigado Gallery (group exhibition)
She works with acrylic paint to express both the enjoyable energy of nature and the bravery,affection,and loyalty of dogs.
She hopes that people around the world will find some joy in the unique color schemes in her paintings and feel the power of the bright colors.
Oct 2019 : Osaka Gallery×cafeGACA (Solo exhibition ) She held a picture exhibition of HappyBulldog dogs at a gallery in Osaka.Nov 2019 : 14-54 (Solo exhibition ) is an open space shared by Queen & Co,Towada Art Center,and the city of Towada.Happybulldog’s artwork was exhibited there.She had music playing in the background while people enjoyed HappyBulldog’s paintings.
Dec 2019 : Hachinohe Saigado Gallery (group exhibition)
独特な色使いでHappy bulldogがその場、その時の様々な状況によって感じとった色を表わしている。色の力、絵の楽しさを世界中の人々を幸せにしたいという事がコンセプト。happybulldogの色鮮やかな色の力を感じてほしい。
over the reinbow
Can I have a bite ?
Happy wind
All you need is love
Let`s Play Together
Happy Bulldog
Southern righs
Past Exhibitions
-JCAT New York Solo Exhibition in February 2021
-JCAT New York LOVE Exhibition in March 2022
Live Your Dream
Happy Bulldog grew up surrounded by nature and dogs.
Happy Bulldog grew up surrounded by nature and dogs. The sound of the river, the noise of the forest, the playful sound of dogs, such ordinary everyday life is common in my daily life.
I have had 6 dogs so far. Each has had a different personality and breed. I have met a lot of dogs and also had some farewells. I have been surprised, excited, worried, and…..Read More