Hiromi Kawano


Hiromi Kawano has been saved by taking photographs and creating multiple exposure works. In 2015, she discovered the expression technique called multiple exposure. She fell in love with the unexpected world that emerges from overlapping photos. Her artwork, which started out of curiosity, eventually became a presence that protects and supports her mind from anxiety and sadness.
Despite major changes in her life, such as the death of her parents and her own illness, she believed, "If I can take this photo, if I can create this work, tomorrow will be okay."
In January 2023, she created a pair of works in an indescribable state of anxiety after seeing footage of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. When she layered powerful dahlias on the first piece and white herons on the second piece, she felt that "I, my family, and the world will be okay." Later, she realized that the unconsciously chosen dahlia represented her mother, and the white heron represented her father.
She will continue to take photographs and create works. It is similar to a prayer for daily peace.
Main exhibitions include FOCUS Art Fair Paris 2022 and Artexpo New York 2024.
川野宏美は、写真を撮り多重露光作品を制作することで救われてきた。多重露光という表現手法に出会ったのは2015年。写真をオーバーラップさせることで現れる予想外の世界に夢中になった。好奇心から始まった制作は、やがて不安や悲しみから心を守り支える存在になっていく。両親の他界や自身の病気など人生の大きな変化の中で、「この写真が撮れたから、この作品ができたら、明日も大丈夫」だと信じた。2023年1月、能登半島地震の映像を見た彼女は、言いようのない不安の中で一対の作品を制作する。1点目には力強いダリアを、2点目には白鷺を配置したとき「私も家族も世の中も大丈夫」と感じた。後に気づく。無意識に選んだダリアは母で白鷺は父。これからも彼女は写真を撮り作品を制作し続けていく。それは日々の平穏を願う祈りに似ている。主な展示にFOCUS Art Fair Paris 2022、Artexpo New York 2024がある。