hitoshi sarukawa
hitoshi sarukawa was born and raised in a nature-rich environment in Aomori.He saw a painting at the age of nine,which gave him a fundamental impact.Seeing an abstract painting for the first time in his life,the boy started to teach himself how to draw.
In 1997 at the age of 17,he dropped out of Ajigasawa High School in Aomori and kept drawing at his parents’ place in Aomori.It occurred to him two years later at the age of 19 to try painting with his fingers.He tried drawing in a variety of ways.Then he tried creating an abstract painting using his fingers,which gave birth to the picture that initiated his style.Then after 20 years,his paintings finally came together as he began creating nature-themed works using his fingers,acquired high sensitivity,encountered various paintings,and learned through self-study.Through paintings,he manages to translate how the sky moves,the winds,the beating of nature,kindness,and beauty into art that appears differently in the eyes of individuals depending on how they interpret.
Now it’s your turn to feel them.To feel the paintings by hitoshi sarukawa...
In 1997 at the age of 17,he dropped out of Ajigasawa High School in Aomori and kept drawing at his parents’ place in Aomori.It occurred to him two years later at the age of 19 to try painting with his fingers.He tried drawing in a variety of ways.Then he tried creating an abstract painting using his fingers,which gave birth to the picture that initiated his style.Then after 20 years,his paintings finally came together as he began creating nature-themed works using his fingers,acquired high sensitivity,encountered various paintings,and learned through self-study.Through paintings,he manages to translate how the sky moves,the winds,the beating of nature,kindness,and beauty into art that appears differently in the eyes of individuals depending on how they interpret.
Now it’s your turn to feel them.To feel the paintings by hitoshi sarukawa...
hitoshi sarukawaは青森県の自然豊かな場所で生まれ育ちました。9歳の頃に1つの絵画に出会い、衝撃を受けた。初めて抽象画を見た少年は、自分も描いてみようと独学で描き始めた。
今度はあなた様が感じて下さい。このhitoshi Sarukawaの絵を、、
今度はあなた様が感じて下さい。このhitoshi Sarukawaの絵を、、
No title
The scenery deepens the colors of the four seasons
no title
Art to see while worrying
falling water fish
let's go on a trip
no title
no title
Past Exhibitions
-JCAT New York Made in Japan in July 2022
-JCAT New York New Exhibition in January 2022
Q: アーティスト活動を始めたきっかけは何ですか?
Q: 現在のあなたのアーティスト活動(日本、海外両方)、これまでの功績(受賞歴や主な展覧会などあれば)などはありますか?
Q: アーティストとしての目標は何ですか?
Q: あなたの作品を一度も見たことのない人に、あなたがどんな作品を作っているか説明してみてください。
Q: 作品を通して観る人に何を伝えたいですか?