Mixed Media Artist

Kenji Kiyama is a unique artist.
"I want people to feel art as if they were listening to music," says Kenji, who has been working as a graphic designer and photographer in the music industry for over 20 years.
However, his starting point is neither design nor photography but fine art, which he encountered when he was a student. He has moved frequently since childhood. He attended an international school in Singapore, where he studied formal art for the first time. Then, he went to art college in San Francisco, mastering a variety of media including printmaking (mainly silkscreen), neon art, jewelry art, and sculpture.
His works are based on the pop sense he has cultivated over the years as a designer, and the realistic subject matter unique to a photographer. Transcending all boundaries of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, photography, design, figurative, abstract forms… his works can be described as alternative art.
He draws motivation from familiar objects around him to create art. "The combination of objects that is impossible to be found in daily life moves my heart; the moment when an ordinary object becomes a special existence excites me and makes my feelings dance. That is the challenge of my art,” he says.
It is exciting to see his future development after he has stepped into the art scene in earnest.