Mariko Kumon
Mixed Media Artist
Mariko Kumon is a Japanese artist who lives in Barcelona, Spain. She graduated in applied mathematics from a university in Japan.
Almost twenty years ago she had changed her life. She began studying art, especially sculpture. She studied casting and sculpture at The Escola de la Llotja (Barcelona) Escuela llotja's final work was presented as the school's representative at the 1st Jornada Art i Disseny de l'escola a l'empresa at the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center.
She has participated in numerous awards and exhibitions not only in Spain, but also in England, United States, France, Italy, and other countries around the world. She has participated in over 80 exhibitions in her almost 18 years of art career.
For her sculpture is the most common form of expression of it. In many cases she describe life with deep emotions. Depending on the moment and state of the creative process, she always intuitively plays. Also for her, the line transmuted into wire is the personal representation of her ideas and thoughts. A line that, curving, twisting and undulating, seeks to find its own space from the inside. These suggestive power lines convey moods, thus building a personal language.
Almost twenty years ago she had changed her life. She began studying art, especially sculpture. She studied casting and sculpture at The Escola de la Llotja (Barcelona) Escuela llotja's final work was presented as the school's representative at the 1st Jornada Art i Disseny de l'escola a l'empresa at the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center.
She has participated in numerous awards and exhibitions not only in Spain, but also in England, United States, France, Italy, and other countries around the world. She has participated in over 80 exhibitions in her almost 18 years of art career.
For her sculpture is the most common form of expression of it. In many cases she describe life with deep emotions. Depending on the moment and state of the creative process, she always intuitively plays. Also for her, the line transmuted into wire is the personal representation of her ideas and thoughts. A line that, curving, twisting and undulating, seeks to find its own space from the inside. These suggestive power lines convey moods, thus building a personal language.
約20年前、彼女は人生を変えた。子供の頃から興味にあった美術、特に彫刻を学び始めた。スペインで最も歴史のある美術学校であるバルセロナのエスコーラ ラ ジョッチャ(Escola la Llotja)に学んだ。卒業制作が、バルセロナ現代文化センターで開催された第1回Jornada Art i Disseny de l'escola a l'empresaにて、学校代表として発表された。
約20年前、彼女は人生を変えた。子供の頃から興味にあった美術、特に彫刻を学び始めた。スペインで最も歴史のある美術学校であるバルセロナのエスコーラ ラ ジョッチャ(Escola la Llotja)に学んだ。卒業制作が、バルセロナ現代文化センターで開催された第1回Jornada Art i Disseny de l'escola a l'empresaにて、学校代表として発表された。
Caminos fortuitos -negro
Huella de bosque III
nadie puede encerrarme
nube de ideas
Y si dejara de soñar en ti…