Rengetsu Ono
Born in the land of rich nature in Japan,Rengetsu loved immersing herself in books and her dreams in her childhood.After starting a job at public institutions,she dedicated her spare time to listening to music and playing musical instruments that she loved.
When she was in her 30s,she entered the Buddhist priesthood under a lay after suffering a severe illness.She now creates Buddhist paintings in bright colors as she works at the university hospital.Her style adds a modern touch to the traditional and highly-valued Japanese Buddhist paintings using bright colors.
She has participated in various exhibitions in and outside Japan,including France,the Netherland,and the U.K.,where her works were awarded,prized,or listed in the collection books.Believing that Buddha is the one that saves us in the end having witnessed herself and others wandering between life and death,she wishes to build a bridge that leads those who seek salvation and happiness to Buddha,thus helping them ignite the light of hope for life in them.
When she was in her 30s,she entered the Buddhist priesthood under a lay after suffering a severe illness.She now creates Buddhist paintings in bright colors as she works at the university hospital.Her style adds a modern touch to the traditional and highly-valued Japanese Buddhist paintings using bright colors.
She has participated in various exhibitions in and outside Japan,including France,the Netherland,and the U.K.,where her works were awarded,prized,or listed in the collection books.Believing that Buddha is the one that saves us in the end having witnessed herself and others wandering between life and death,she wishes to build a bridge that leads those who seek salvation and happiness to Buddha,thus helping them ignite the light of hope for life in them.
Past Exhibitions
-JCAT New York BLUE Exhibition June 2020
Q: アーティスト活動を始めたきっかけは何ですか?
Q: 現在のあなたのアーティスト活動(日本、海外両方)、これまでの功績(受賞歴や主な展覧会などあれば)などはありますか?
第34回パリ国際サロン 推薦展(フランス)
美術書籍 「日本藝術の創跡 vol.25」掲載
レンブラント生誕415年記念 「ポール・フロートが選ぶ芸術家100選~日蘭芸術家交流展 2021~」日蘭芸術家交流大賞(日本画部門)(オランダ)
第22回 日本・フランス現代美術世界展 入選(東京)
スペイン美術賞展2021 入選(スペイン)
Exhibition of MINERVA 2022 (ロンドン) 。
Q: アーティストとしての目標は何ですか?
Q: あなたの作品を一度も見たことのない人に、あなたがどんな作品を作っているか説明してみてください。
Q: 作品を通して観る人に何を伝えたいですか?