Mixed Media Artist
A drop of Miracle Honey shines a light on love in everyone's heart and invokes a miracle!
After graduating from university, AnelaMeli worked as an editor at a publishing company.
The moments that touched the light of many talents were a joy.
While working in NY, she was fascinated with the warm and fuzzy feel of punch needle embroidery and began creating original artwork in a variety of media, breaking out of the box.
AnelaMeli is a Hawaiian word coined from 'Anela' (=angel) and 'Meli' (=honeybee).
Elfy, a honeybee with angel wings that often appears in her work, is a projection of herself.
Various things happen in our daily life.
Not only fun and joyful, but we experience hard and sad things.
Things are yin and yang. The world looks completely different depending on how you look at it.
AnelaMeli's work will inspire your imagination to foresee your happiness. A drop of Miracle Honey is a happy charge to unleash love within everyone.
She creates stitch by stitch, wishing for a world filled with love, where everyone can believe in their undiscovered miraculous potential.
Good fortune to everyone!
Bee Yourself. 🐝
Bee Smiling. 🐝
'Smile Evangelist' won 1st Prize/Winner at Kino Drome (Cleveland, U.S.),
Outstanding Achievement Award at Berlin Flash Film Festival and Official Selection in NY, Alabama, Africa, etc.
Published an embroidery picture book, "Miracle Honey PonoPono."
Exhibited in LA, NY, London, Tokyo, Kyoto, and other cities.
After graduating from university, AnelaMeli worked as an editor at a publishing company.
The moments that touched the light of many talents were a joy.
While working in NY, she was fascinated with the warm and fuzzy feel of punch needle embroidery and began creating original artwork in a variety of media, breaking out of the box.
AnelaMeli is a Hawaiian word coined from 'Anela' (=angel) and 'Meli' (=honeybee).
Elfy, a honeybee with angel wings that often appears in her work, is a projection of herself.
Various things happen in our daily life.
Not only fun and joyful, but we experience hard and sad things.
Things are yin and yang. The world looks completely different depending on how you look at it.
AnelaMeli's work will inspire your imagination to foresee your happiness. A drop of Miracle Honey is a happy charge to unleash love within everyone.
She creates stitch by stitch, wishing for a world filled with love, where everyone can believe in their undiscovered miraculous potential.
Good fortune to everyone!
Bee Yourself. 🐝
Bee Smiling. 🐝
'Smile Evangelist' won 1st Prize/Winner at Kino Drome (Cleveland, U.S.),
Outstanding Achievement Award at Berlin Flash Film Festival and Official Selection in NY, Alabama, Africa, etc.
Published an embroidery picture book, "Miracle Honey PonoPono."
Exhibited in LA, NY, London, Tokyo, Kyoto, and other cities.
ミラクルハニーの 1 滴がすべての人に奇跡を呼び起こす。
AnelaMeliは大学を卒業して、出版社の編集者として本の制作に関わってきた。多くの才能に触れる瞬間が喜びだった。NYの赴任先で出会ったpunch needle刺繍のモコモコとした温かい感触に魅了され、枠にとらわれず、さまざまなメディアでオリジナル作品の創作を始めた。作品にしばしば登場する天使の羽をもつミツバチElfy(エルフィ―) は、作家本人の投影でもある。
モノゴトは陰と陽。とらえ方次第で世界は全く違って見える。本来、人々の中にあるやさしさと輝きを解き放ち、Good Fortune の物語を始めるためにミラクルハニーの 1 滴をhappy チャージ!
Bee Yourself. 🐝
Bee Smiling. 🐝
‘Smile Evangelist’がKino Drome(Cleveland,U.S.)で1st Prize/Winner,
Berlin Flash Film Festivalで Outstanding Achievement Awardほか、
NY、Alabama 、AfricaなどでOfficial Selectionされる。
AnelaMeliは大学を卒業して、出版社の編集者として本の制作に関わってきた。多くの才能に触れる瞬間が喜びだった。NYの赴任先で出会ったpunch needle刺繍のモコモコとした温かい感触に魅了され、枠にとらわれず、さまざまなメディアでオリジナル作品の創作を始めた。作品にしばしば登場する天使の羽をもつミツバチElfy(エルフィ―) は、作家本人の投影でもある。
モノゴトは陰と陽。とらえ方次第で世界は全く違って見える。本来、人々の中にあるやさしさと輝きを解き放ち、Good Fortune の物語を始めるためにミラクルハニーの 1 滴をhappy チャージ!
Bee Yourself. 🐝
Bee Smiling. 🐝
‘Smile Evangelist’がKino Drome(Cleveland,U.S.)で1st Prize/Winner,
Berlin Flash Film Festivalで Outstanding Achievement Awardほか、
NY、Alabama 、AfricaなどでOfficial Selectionされる。