Shigeru K
Shigeru K (1959~) was born in Tokyo.
After 30 years as a junior high school teacher, he started aiming to become an artist.
In his world, the main characters are usually people, daily life, and natural landscapes and all of his artworks praise human and nature.
Happiness exists in people’s daily life and it is beautiful. People are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature.
He wants to express the feeling of happiness in his artworks.
He illustrates digital pictures with simple colors and impressive composition.
He believes that many people can share his happy world with him through his artworks.
He has exhibited at Ouchi Gallery, JCAT since 2015 and exhibited at Amsterdam Whitney Gallery in 2018 in New York. In Italy, he exhibited at the international Biennial of Mantova (2017, 2019), Rosso Cinabro Gallery (2018, Rome) and the Florence Biennale (2019). He was awarded ‘the International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI’ (2018, Florence), ‘the International Prize RAFFAELLO’ (2018, Bologna), ‘the International Prize CARAVAGGIO’ (2018, Milano), ‘the International Prize Botticelli’ (2019, Florence), ‘the International Prize MICHELANGELO’ (2019, Rome), and so on.
He has exhibited at Ouchi Gallery, JCAT since 2015 and exhibited at Amsterdam Whitney Gallery in 2018 in New York. In Italy, he exhibited at the international Biennial of Mantova (2017, 2019), Rosso Cinabro Gallery (2018, Rome) and the Florence Biennale (2019). He was awarded ‘the International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI’ (2018, Florence), ‘the International Prize RAFFAELLO’ (2018, Bologna), ‘the International Prize CARAVAGGIO’ (2018, Milano), ‘the International Prize Botticelli’ (2019, Florence), ‘the International Prize MICHELANGELO’ (2019, Rome), and so on.
Shigeru K(1959~)東京都出身
日常生活の中にこそ人々の幸福 や美が存在すると彼は考えるからだ。
それこそが、彼の描く世 界の原動力になっている。
2015年からNYのオウチギャラリ ー、JCATでの展示会に参加、イタリアではマントヴァ国際ビエンナーレ(2017年,2019年)、フィレンツ ェビエンナーレ(2019年)に参加、レオナルド・ダヴィンチ国際賞(2018年フィレンツェ)、ラファエロ国際賞(2018年ボローニャ)、ミケランジェロ国際賞(2019年ローマ)など数々の賞を受賞。
2015年からNYのオウチギャラリ ー、JCATでの展示会に参加、イタリアではマントヴァ国際ビエンナーレ(2017年,2019年)、フィレンツ ェビエンナーレ(2019年)に参加、レオナルド・ダヴィンチ国際賞(2018年フィレンツェ)、ラファエロ国際賞(2018年ボローニャ)、ミケランジェロ国際賞(2019年ローマ)など数々の賞を受賞。
Past Exhibitions
-JCAT New York Is Trash Trash? Exhibition
-JCAT New York MOMENT Exhibition
私の描く世界は人間讃歌であり、自然讃歌です。ありふれた人々の日常生活にこそ幸福は存在し美しい。大自然の美しさに人々は感動する。それが私の描く世界の原動力になっています。そして、このハッピーな世界を…..Read More