Tats Kabutomori

Mixed Media

Tats Kabutomori, born on December 24, 1983, in the seasonally rich region of Hokkaido, Japan, entered the world of photography with a camera inherited from his grandfather after graduating from high school in 2002.
During his university years, he founded the installation duo “DogLeg,” expanding his expressive range through solo exhibitions and collaborations with various artists. However, after graduating in 2010, his career demands caused him to drift away from the art scene for a time. A pivotal change occurred after 2020, when work-related travel abroad rekindled his connection to Japan, inspiring him to start drawing dragons, influenced by the enduring and spirited dragon carvings found at Shinto shrines. Currently, his artistic expression has evolved into a unique style, featuring collages of sky photographs and dragon drawings, exploring themes of reverence for nature, specifically forests and water. Moving forward, he is committed to continuing to create works that aim to preserve the rich forests and pristine waters for future generations, with a hope that his art contributes to a sustainable future.
Tats Kabutomoriは空の写真と龍の絵のコラージュという独自のスタイルを展開している。1983年12月24日生まれで四季が豊かな北海道で育ち、高校卒業後の2002年に祖父から受け継いだカメラで写真の世界へと進出した。大学在学中にインスタレーションDuo “DogLeg”を立ち上げ、個展開催や様々なアーティストと出会い共演しながら表現の幅を広げた。しかし、大学卒業後の2010年からは仕事に追われ、一時アートから遠ざかる。2020年以降、仕事での海外経験を通じて日本を見つめ直すきっかけとなり、悠久の時を経ても勇ましい神社の龍の彫刻に感銘を受け、鉛筆片手に龍を描き始める。現在、彼の芸術表現は新たな次元へと進化し、彼は森と水、自然への畏怖をテーマに自己表現を探求している。今後も、世界中で豊かな森と清らかな水が後世に残せるよう祈りながら作品を創り続ける事を目指している。